Project Reference
1 | Contract for Certified Broadband Contractor for Broadband Installation and Restoration for Telekom Malaysia Berhad (CENTRAL REGION) | Telecommunication | |
2 | Contract for Certified Broadband Contractor for Broadband Installation and Restoration for Telekom Malaysia Berhad (NORTHERN REGION) | Telecommunication | |
3 | Contract for Certified Broadband Contractor for Broadband Installation and Restoration for Telekom Malaysia Berhad (SOUTHERN REGION) | Telecommunication | |
4 | Contract for Certified Network Contractor for Network Development & Maintenance for Telekom Malaysia Berhad (CENTRAL REGION) | Telecommunication | |
5 | Contract for Certified Network Contractor for Network Development & Maintenance for Telekom Malaysia Berhad (EASTERN REGION) | Telecommunication | |
6 | LSS2 30MWAC, Interconnection Facilites 132kV UGC feeder bay extension at existing PMU Bukit Keteri South 132kV Underground Power Cable Connection Works 33/132kV SPP IF Substation with 45MVA Power Transformer Feeder |
Power | |
7 | LSS3 100MWAC, Interconnection Facilities 132kV TNB IF PMU LILO Substation 132kV Underground Power Cable Connection Works 33/132kV SPP IF Substation with 110MVA Power Transformer Feeder |
Power | |
8 | Replacement of substation control system SCS for Asset Maintenance department, Transmission division, TNB, Mainhead A - PMU Santong. | Power | |
9 | Protection Relays Replacement (Supply, install & commissioning) of selected 500kV, 275kV & 132kV Bay for Asset Maintenance Department, Transmission Division (Phase 1B) | Power | |
10 | Extension of 2 X 132kV UGC Feeder at PMU Air Terjun, Pulau Pinang. | Power | |
11 | Supply, install & commissioning of Circuit Breaker Failure Relay at Selected 132kV Substation Phase 4 (Mainhead-B Kuala Lumpur Zone). | Power | |
12 | Establishment of 275kV PMU at Alor Gajah | Power | |
13 | Provision of Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Testing and Commision of the transformer | Oil and Gas | |
14 | Construction, Completion and Commisioning of 8 units of 45 meter high mast for storage yard | Infrastructure |